Learn More From Our Santa Monica Dentist About How To Recognize Periodontal Disease

Written by Dr. Follette on Jul 19, 2016

Gum disease, if left untreated, can absolutely destroy the health of a patient’s smile. Our Santa Monica dentists are here to help you avoid problems from periodontal disease, and to treat any existing gum infections.

One of the best things that you as a patient can do to support your oral health is to stay vigilant for signs of gum infections in your daily life. Keep reading to learn more about key symptoms of gum disease…

In its earliest stages, gum disease often progresses asymptomatically. As the infection progresses, however, you may start to suffer from a number of inconvenient oral health issues:

· Persistent, hard-to-treat bad breath

· Swollen gum tissue

· Gum tissue that is prone to bleeding

· Painful gums, especially when eating or cleaning your smile

Advanced periodontal disease actually starts to weaken and damage the structure of your smile. Keep your eyes open for…

· Periodontal pockets—these are spots along your smile where your gum tissue is pulling away from your tooth (forming a “pocket”). Periodontal pockets collect dental debris and bacteria.

· Loose teeth—as periodontal disease attacks your smile, it starts to destroy the connective tissues that keep your natural teeth in place. This problem may also cause your dental/bite alignment to change.

· Tooth loss—periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adult dental patients.

If you notice any of these changes in your own smile, please reach out to your dentist for an evaluation and further treatment. The earlier in the disease’s progression that you seek treatment, the better your prognosis will be. And don’t forget to keep up with your semi-annual professional dental cleanings—these check ups give our dental team an opportunity to spot gum disease before it becomes pronounced.

Our Santa Monica dentist is here to help you achieve and maintain a healthy smile. We offer the restorative treatments that you need to conquer harmful periodontal disease.