Santa Monica Dentist Discusses Tooth Sensitivities To Cold And Temperature Changes

Written by Dr. Follette on Aug 9, 2022

As the weather warms up, many of us will be enjoying icy drinks and frozen treats outside. Interestingly, this sometimes leads to dental patients noticing increased instances of dental sensitivity and discomfort. Keep reading to learn more from our Santa Monica dentists

Underlying Causes

Remember that the most sensitive parts of your teeth are housed in the dental pulp—the innermost layer of your tooth. If you develop dental sensitivity, it is essentially because nerves in your dental pulp are not covered and protected from irritants. This often occurs as dental enamel wears away, and as gum tissue recedes from the root of the tooth. Likewise, discrete injuries like cracks and chips can lead to sensitivity.

At-home Options

Many patients find relief by rinsing their mouths with warm salt water, or with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water. Other ingredients have been shown to minimize sensitivity as well: green tea, turmeric, and capsaicin, for example. Look for foods, drinks, and products with these ingredients when treating sensitive teeth.

Specialty Products

Try replacing your current oral hygiene formulations with those designed specifically for sensitive teeth. There are a number of toothpastes and mouth rinses that clean and refresh your smile while soothing discomfort. Talk to your dentist for additional guidance on what type of product may be best for you.

Long-term Treatments  

Finally, there are a number of professional treatments that help to repair damaged dental layers and protect sensitive nerves. Thin enamel, for example, can be reinforced with thin and strong composite resin. Periodontal treatment encourages gum tissue healing and regeneration to protect sensitive dental roots. Your dentist may also recommend topical fluoride treatments, as fluoride helps to strengthen and re-mineralize enamel.

As you can see, you have options if you are dealing with dental pain and sensitivity. The best way to get started is to contact our Santa Monica dentists by phone or through our Contact Us page. We’re here to help!