Santa Monica Dentist Talks About Dealing With Bad Breath

Written by Dr. Follette on May 24, 2022

Dealing with bad breath is never fun, but this problem is something that many of us need to tackle. Our Santa Monica dentist has put together some information about the causes of and treatments for bad breath. We hope that this short article empowers you to take control of your oral health, and take steps toward a healthier smile! 

Types of Malodorous Breath

Not all types of bad breath are created equal. If you notice that mouth feels stale after consuming onions, garlic, or meat, for example, this isn’t something to be too concerned about. If, however, you’re experiencing bad breath chronically, and it’s super hard to treat, this is likely an indication of bacterial build-up in your mouth. It may be that you have plaque build-up on your teeth and gums, or that you’ve developed dental cavities or periodontal disease. Also, we encourage you to speak to your dentist if you notice that your breath is fruity or sweet, as this can indicate diabetes.

Short-term Relief

So, what can you do to deal with bad breath in your daily life? Well, start by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, as saliva helps neutralize unpleasant odors. You can also develop the habit of rinsing your mouth after eating and drinking to refresh your mouth. If you want to use mints or gum to decrease bad breath, we encourage you to look for sugar-free options, as adding sugar to your oral environment will only give oral bacteria a boost.

Long-term Treatments

It is possible to achieve lasting relief from chronic bad breath; it all comes down to restoring the health of your smile. Our team will eliminate existing cavities and treat periodontal disease to clear away bacteria and damaged dental tissues. We’ll also talk about treatments and strategies to minimize dry mouth, as an arid environment is ideal for harmful oral bacteria.

If you are regularly battling bad breath, it may be time to reach out to your dental team for an oral health assessment. Our Santa Monica dentist is always here to answer your questions and point you in the right direction. Give our team a call or use the Contact Us page on our website to get started!