Santa Monica Dentist Uses Mercury Free Dental Treatments For Exceptional Results

Written by Dr. Follette on May 17, 2016

In our Santa Monica dental office, we are committed to providing state-of-the-art mercury-free dental treatments to our patients. We know that mercury-free treatments deliver exceptional aesthetic and functional results.

Today we are talking about why so many people choose mercury-free dental options, and what kinds of treatments are available to you.

Traditionally, mercury has been used, in conjunction with other metals, to help repair teeth after they have been damaged by cavities or trauma. These fillings are referred to as “amalgam” fillings. Amalgam fillings were traditionally utilized because they were malleable, sturdy, and fairly inexpensive.

Thanks to modern dental technology, we now have a better alternative to amalgam fillings—composite fillings. Here are some of the reasons that people choose composite fillings over amalgam fillings:

1. Aesthetics

Amalgam fillings look metallic and dark, and are thus very visible when the patient smiles. Composite fillings, on the other hand, are white and bright, so once they are placed they blend in seamlessly with your natural dental enamel.

2. Aging

Over time amalgam fillings can start to damage natural dental tissue, because amalgam fillings react to hot and cold. Composite fillings are not temperature reactive, and thus do not carry this same risk. Additionally, composite fillings stay looking white and fresh for years.

3. Conservative placement process

When our dental team places composite dental fillings, we do not have to eliminate or shave away as much surrounded dental tissue as we do when we place amalgam fillings. This allows us to save as much of your natural, healthy dental structure as possible.

If you have more questions about the differences between amalgam and composite fillings, please feel free to call our Santa Monica mercury free dentist! We will help you weigh you options and choose the best restorative treatment for your smile, specifically.