Santa Monica Invisalign Dentist Responds To Patient Questions About This Treatment

Written by Dr. Follette on Apr 30, 2024

Invisalign has only been increasing in popularity among both adolescent and adult patients. There are a number of reasons that people choose Invisalign over conventional metal braces. Today our Santa Monica Invisalign dentists are going to be giving you some more information about this treatment option, and we’ll be answering some patient questions as well. Let’s get started!

To quickly review, Invisalign orthodontic treatment uses clear plastic aligners to move your teeth into better alignment. Traditional braces require metal brackets and wires to be attached to your smile for the duration of treatment.

Q: What does it feel like to wear Invisalign?

A: Invisalign aligners are crafted from thin transparent plastic—they are custom-designed to fit over your teeth. When you put your aligner in it may feel a little bulky at first, but patients quickly adjust and find these oral appliances quite comfortable.

Q: How long does Invisalign take to work?

A: The answer to this question is highly dependent on the state of your smile as well as your aesthetic dental goals. However, the average time to complete treatment is around one year. Because each aligner that you wear will move your teeth a little bit more, you’ll start to see results well before treatment is complete.

Q: Does Invisalign limit my diet?

A: The short answer is “no.” While patients with metal braces need to avoid certain chewy and stringy foods, this isn’t an issue with Invisalign. In fact, you will take your aligners out in order to eat, so you can eat and drink normally.

If you are interested in learning more about Invisalign, our Santa Monica cosmetic dentists are here to help. Give our office a call to schedule a personal consultation, or submit your own question for our team via our Contact Us page.