Santa Monica Dentist Helps You Spot The Signs Of Emerging Gum Health Problems

Written by Dr. Follette on Dec 6, 2021

Periodontal disease is one of the hidden oral health threats that can wreak havoc on the health and appearance of your smile. Periodontal disease doesn’t emerge overnight; your gums will go through a number of changes as the bacterial infection spreads and intensifies.

One of the best things that you can do for your smile is to seek prompt and timely treatment for gum tissue infections. Gum disease, in its earliest stages can be non-invasively treated and reversed.

Here are some early warning signs of gum disease from our Santa Monica dentists:

Bad breath

Is your smile feeling or smelling stale? The same bacteria that infect your gum tissue emit unpleasant odors as they grow and multiply. Chronic, hard-to-treat bad breath is one common symptom of gum disease.

Changes to gum tissue

Infected gum tissue will change in appearance and functionality over time. If you’re battling gum disease your oral tissue may look red and swollen. Your gums may also be prone to bleeding when you brush and floss your teeth, or when you eat crunchy foods. Advanced gum disease actually causes gum tissue to pull away from your teeth, causing gaps called periodontal pockets.

Structural shifts

As gum disease progresses and becomes periodontal disease, the infection weakens the connective tissues that hold your teeth in place. For this reason, patients suffering from gum disease may find that their teeth feel loose and actually shift around. Your bite alignment may also change, so that your top and bottom teeth do not fit together properly.

Talk to your dentist about ways to minimize your risk of gum disease, and treat existing oral infections. Our Santa Monica dentists are happy to give you all of the additional information and guidance that you need! Call our office to schedule a personal consultation and get started!